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We’re all adjusting to many “new normals” today. Do these statements sound familiar?
“With the markets changing every day, I’m already oversaturated trying to keep up.”
“I don’t have time to learn new technology, and I’m already struggling to find more time for my clients.”
“How am I supposed to learn a whole new platform if I can’t meet with instructors?”
If you said yes to any or all of them, you’re in good company.
Even before this pandemic, advisors were having difficulties adjusting to new technology stacks. That’s why three years ago, we created Addepar Academy, a resource that makes it easier for our clients to onboard and transition to a brand new platform. Addepar Academy helps our clients get the full benefit from all the components of Addepar and offers training on the overall data architecture as well as specific topic areas.
I’m excited to share that we have revamped our Addepar Academy so that users can have an in-class experience from the safety and comfort of their living rooms. Our goal is to arm advisors with the skills they need to complete their daily tasks with ease, even while working remotely. Addepar Academy allows advisors to learn at their own pace armed with our growing self-guided curriculum and a mix of on-demand and live courses.
Here are some of the ways in which we have updated our Academy resources to better suit our clients’ evolving needs.
New Getting Started Course
Firstly, we rolled out a brand new Getting Started course on Academy Online. This course covers the best ways to get up and running with Addepar, including how to navigate the application and introductions to ownership structure, analysis and transactions, and creating reports for client communication. Not only is this a way to get new clients or team members up to speed with all of Addepar’s offerings, it is also a useful refresher for advisors who have been using the platform for years.
Updated Addepar Academy 200 Series
Secondly, we updated our Instructor-led Academy 200 courses to give Addepar power users a more interactive deep-dive into how they can fully leverage the technology. All new training materials are consistent with new product releases and incorporate meaningful feedback from our clients. Furthermore, these classes focus on workshop-based training, giving users the opportunity to learn by doing and build muscle memory.
Our 200-level instructor-led courses will be hosted virtually until in-person training is resumed. We have already begun implementing many of the new enhancements to our existing training.
Additionally, we will be rolling out all-new Deploying and Adopting workshops offered in conjunction with the 200 series. Working with an expert, and focusing on adoption plans and documentation.
Updated On-Demand Resources
The Help Center is our hub for all online, on-demand resources. Here, users can access our Addepar essentials (including articles, webinars, FAQs and beginner courses) in one centralized location. We are constantly updating our online library to ensure that the content is tailored to our clients’ specific needs.

In fact, we’re in the process of revamping our entire online training curriculum, expanding our offerings, even more, to integrate role-based learning and more interactive workflows into the courses. We also recently launched our brand new Community Forum, a secure online meeting place where clients can connect with each other and share tips and tricks on the best ways to fully leverage the Addepar platform.
The wealth management space offers very few holistic technology options. We know that transitioning to Addepar is not a one-to-one change, but our team is ready to help you navigate the process and our partner network offers best in class solutions for your needs outside of our bread and butter - data aggregation, analytics and reporting. This can seem complicated, but we want our clients to understand the underlying technology and feel comfortable using all their new capabilities, even while working remotely.
If you need to onboard a whole team, one new staff member, or you want a refresher to learn how new features work, visit Addepar Academy. Check us out on the Help Center and watch for product news and updates in your emails.