In the face of global market uncertainty, financial advisors are seen as a source of support for investors. Effective digital communication has never mattered more than it does today as we collectively shift to a virtual workforce. For that reason, we have launched an Office Hours webinar series where experts share key communication tools and best practices to help financial advisors and teams provide their clients with real-time portfolio visibility, even at a distance. 

We kicked off the series with a session focused on sharing tips for connecting with clients remotely. Here are a few key takeaways from the webinar to keep in mind as you shift to a fully virtual client experience.

Embrace Mobile

Now is the time for financial advisors to embrace digital capabilities at their fingertips and share them with their clients. Mobile allows clients to instantly assess what''s in their portfolio, how it''s allocated, and how their performance is changing over time. With market volatility, this allows for real-time insight and saves on timely, more frequent meetings.

Take Advantage of Digital Reporting 

Financial advisors can take advantage of digital channels to reinvent their clients’ wealth management experience and assess the most pressing and timely questions to address. For example, advisors can use iPad reporting functionality to prepare and share reports with clients. To take it a step further, you can host a digital meeting while viewing reports on personal devices, wherever you are. 

Empathize With Client Security Concerns 

Using the client portal while working remotely, financial advisors can utilize two-factor authentication methods to deliver a level of security comparable to the largest financial institutions and banks. This allows financial advisors to establish trust with their clients. 

Tune in every Friday to learn more about best practices during this challenging time. We’re here as a resource for you, however we can help. Please let us know what you’d like to learn more about. You can get in touch with us at or on Twitter and LinkedIn