Manage portfolios with confidence

Addepar’s cutting-edge technology transforms how institutional investors manage and analyze their portfolios. With Addepar, you’re not just managing assets—you’re transforming possibilities.

Empowering endowments, foundations, sovereign funds and pensions

Addepar’s technology empowers institutional investors like you to track and model any investment type – on one platform – for a more holistic view and dynamic approach to multi-asset portfolios.

Addepar combines secure, cutting-edge technology with the flexibility to handle the complexity of multi-asset exposure, ensuring you make long-term capital decisions that align with your mandate. 

With Addepar, you can build synergies across asset class teams and rely on a single source of truth for holistic reporting to your Board or Investment Committee.

Holistic portfolio analysis: Break down silos with a unified platform that integrates all asset classes.

Risk and performance management: Protect your mission while identifying opportunities for growth.

Collaborative reporting: Equip your investment teams with seamless data access and bespoke reporting you need for digestible data consumption.

Flexible scenario analytics: Leverage Addepar's projections product, Navigator, to build your own custom cash flow forecasts, scenario analytics, and pacing and liquidity modeling across asset classes.

Automated manager data: Collection and processing of all investment data for your alternatives — eliminating manual tasks, speeding up data aggregation and vastly increasing operational efficiency for your team.

Holistic, multi-asset portfolio analysis

Integrate portfolio management of all asset classes with widget-based, user-friendly dashboarding.

Flexible scenario analytics

Addepar's projections tool, Navigator, allows you to build your own custom, deterministic cash flow forecasts, scenario analytics, pacing and liquidity modeling across asset classes.

Dynamic, customizable reporting

Equip your investment teams with bespoke reporting your Investment Committee can leverage for digestible data consumption and succinct exposure analysis.