
Optimize investment decisions with superior forecasting

Customize models and project cash flows, returns, liquidity and portfolio value to drive better decision making for clients’ complex private market investments.

Model and project with certainty

Power better outcomes with Navigator’s forward-looking capabilities

Stress test economic scenarios with 300+ capital market assumptions

Effortlessly integrate projections with existing Addepar reports

Easily forecast portfolio risks and returns with sophisticated modeling tools

Effectively manage cash flows and allocations with intuitive pacing models

The right tools for a clearer future

Guide your clients in the right direction with a deeper understanding of their commitments

With Navigator’s robust modeling and projection tools:

  • Forecast upcoming capital calls and distrubutions

  • Minimize cash drag and maximize cash flow

Navigator’s extensive scenario analysis capabilities empower you to:

  • Future-proof your clients’ portfolios with the ability to test against a variety of market conditions

  • Inform decisions with an eye on the horizon and simultaneous access to historical values

With nearly 300 out-of-the-box assumption models available as well as the ability to create your own:

  • Ascertain liquidity needs and how to meet them

  • Implement strategies across both public and private markets with greater confidence

Navigator seamlessly syncs with Addepar reporting.

  • Create customizable reports fully integrated with the Addepar platform

  • Provide your clients with a big picture understanding of their wealth and the peace of mind that accompanies it

Navigator’s biggest strength is its flexibility and ease of use. When we meet with clients to discuss asset allocation decisions, we can revise projections in minutes as needed to account for future allocation adjustments.

Thomas Nicholson

Head of Investment Analytics at Attinger

Being able to model sophisticated cash flows when we’re showing commitments on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis over years, what we expect from distributions from investments, the return of capital, how we classify these things – all with, literally, a few flips of some toggles and switches enables us to give much clearer and more concise advice.

Brett Sharkey

Co-Founder and Managing Director

of Three Bridge Wealth Advisors

Addepar’s Navigator has changed the way we communicate with our clients, helping us better guide them on a go-forward basis. It’s become an instrumental part of our client discussions.

Eric Thurber

Co-Founder & Managing Director,
Three Bridge Wealth Advisors

Gain clarity with Navigator

See how Addepar can help transform the way you manage your portfolios