Addepar Navigator

See the future, chart your course

You already have the power of Addepar. Take it one step further with Addepar Navigator, our portfolio projection tool that allows you to simulate scenarios and forecast cash flows for your clients’ complex private market investments.

Three Bridge looks forward with clarity

“It’s helped better guide on a go-forward basis and it’s been instrumental. It’s really the foundation of our client discussions.”

- Eric Thurber, Co-founder, Three Bridge Wealth Advisors

Project and optimize cash flows

Commitment-based funds create liquidity risk often mitigated by holding too much cash that can cause a drag on returns. Navigator helps you optimize cash management by modeling and projecting portfolio spending, commitments and distributions.

Model and optimize asset allocations over time

Understand your exposure to private markets over time and create hypothetical new commitments to maintain target exposures.

Leverage Navigator’s out-of-the-box assumptions

Create your own assumptions or leverage nearly 300 out-of-the-box third-party assumption models for liquid and illiquid markets.

Perform multi-scenario analysis for projected market environments

Use Navigator to report on projected values under different scenarios alongside historical values available in Addepar.

Learn more about Addepar + Navigator

If you are an Addepar client and would like to speak with a team member about Navigator or arrange a demonstration, please complete this form.

If you are not a client and would like to learn more, click here.

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