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As this year comes to a close, AddeParents would like to take this opportunity to show appreciation for parents who work to improve the lives of their families, while also delivering to our community of clients, partners, Addepeeps and more.
At Addepar, it has been incredible to observe our employee base mature and grow over the years. We have been able to watch many of our colleagues create their own families, and many new Addepeeps, who are also working parents, joining weekly. Through AddeParents, we have built a community to share our experiences in working in a fast-paced, startup environment in the fintech space, while also balancing time with our families.
The pandemic and unknowns presented this last year and a half challenged us in ways we could never before imagine. As a tech company, Addepar was able to transition to working from home in a moment's notice, and supported each of us to take any time needed to care for our families. We were also able to support our clients, who, for the first time, were not able to meet with their end clients and build relationships face to face.
For AddeParents, many of us had little experience working from home full-time in our careers, and the pandemic meant we were going to be sharing our work space with kids across all age ranges for a seemingly indefinite amount of time. Juggling the delicate balance between our families and (virtual) colleagues under the same roof was daunting. But the fear of the unknown brought on by the pandemic was ever more present in our minds and caused us to come together to think about how to approach difficult conversations with our children. It humanized our colleagues and we saw new sides of each other.
For us, our AddeParents community represented stability and allowed for knowledge sharing of what was working in our individual homes for the benefit of all and we hosted a series of virtual events for parents to talk and for kids to connect. It was pretty incredible to share more of our lives outside of work to our colleagues, clients and partners.
Christy Hastings, Lead, Solutions Architect"AddeParents brings joy by extending our Addepar family to include hundreds of little Addepeeps. The group serves as a great resource to new families, drives thoughtful conversation, and is a pleasant distraction during the day. The group reminds everyone at Addepar that parents have a second full-time job once we end our workday."
Anthony Russo, Sr. Director, Product Marketing“The parents group at Addepar is a place where I have another set of amazing colleagues beyond the great people I get to work with in my day-to-day role. The stories, photos, and advice that gets shared remind me about how important work-life balance is no matter how much effort you put into your career. I'm also fortunate to work at a place like Addepar that provides the opportunity to connect with my work colleagues on a personal level.”
Don Nilsson, Chief Product Officer“Family is the most important thing in life and it has been wonderful to watch the AddeParents in our extended Addepar family support and learn from each other, particularly as we’ve navigated some challenging circumstances over the past 18 months.”
At the end of the day, Addepeeps far exceeded expectations, and we helped our clients thrive - Every. Single. Day.
Now we approach our commute to work differently and have a newfound perspective. Many of us are heading back into our respective offices in New York, Mountain View, Salt Lake City and now Edinburgh - and many of us will continue to work from home as Addepar continues to support a hybrid work model. Addepeeps have freedom of choice and we are grateful to have options, and we are thankful for this Addepar community.
Happy holidays!